
The Virus of Alienation

Inspired by the surge of interest in Sadhguru’s “Save The Soil” campaign and the increasing difficulty to find suppressed information and video clips through centralized and biased search engines. This compilation features both classic and recent clips of underpublicized statements to give a very brief narrative of the ideological foundations concerning the overpopulation debate and the virus question. For more information and links, also see The Healthy Reset.


00:00 If I only had a heart (The Ken Darby Singers)
00:08 Sadhguru speaking about population at UNCCD COP14
02:23 Yuval Noah Harari on population
02:45 Agent Smith on Human Classification
03:59 John Lennon on Dick Cavett 1971
04:42 Paradise Stolen (2015) by Stefan Verstappen
05:53 Aaron Russo on Women's Liberation
07:18 Body Part Trafficking
08:59 Sadhguru on Vaccination
09:19 If I Were An Animal by H.R.H. Prince Philip
10:05 Harari on Truth
11:36 Amanda Volmer - How The virus myth began
12:15 Epidemics statistics
13:27 Robert O. Young ITNJ Witness Testimony
15:14 Harari on Transhumanism
17:38 Aaron Russo on Central Banking Communism
19:39 Harari on Crisis
21:06 KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov on Communist Subversion
25:09 Harari on state, religion and death
26:45 Skeksis on Death (Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance)
28:02 Aleksandr Dugin vs. Yuval Noah Harari
31:23 Outro via Andreas Xirtus/David Ewing Jr.
Credits (as available):

Sadhguru speaking at UNCCD COP14 | Link
Yuval Noah Harari | Link 1 - 2 - 3
John Lennon on Dick Cavett - September 11, 1971 "Imagine" Release | Link
Paradise Stolen: The Myth of Overpopulation (2015) Stefan Verstappen -
Sadhguru: Why Covid Vaccine Is Needed? | Link
If I Were An Animal by H.R.H. Prince Philip of Edinburgh | Link
Amanda Volmer - How The Virus Myth Began | Link via Shane St. Pierre 
Robert O. Young - ITNJ Judicial Comission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere | Link
Aaron Russo | Link Feminism - Central Banking Communism
Yuri Bezmenov | Link
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance | Do You Dream
"Tartarianism and Atlanticism" with Aleksandr Dugin by Andreas Xirtus
Intro/Outro Video by Andreas Xirtus: Skull and Bones and Common Cannibals - David Ewing Jr.
The Quran against the World Order - David Ewing Jr. | Link
Transcribed Quotes

"In the beginning of 20th century, we were just 1.6 billion people, now 2019 we are 7.6 billion people, now they are saying by 2050 we will be 9.6 billion people. Why we are make these predictions, why don't we have a plan, why don't we say in the next 50 years we will be 4.5 billion people. Are we willing to address this? This is what needs to be addressed. It may look like there are many problems, but actually there is only one problem. We are nice but we are just too many. This we need to understand. There is no space for any other creature to live on this planet simply because we are so many and our footprint is so big. So we are trying to reduce the size of our footprint I understand that but believe me, it is much easier to control human population than human aspiration. You cannot control human aspirations, you can easily control human population if everybody is focused on that. The nations, the religions of the world, various community leaders, everybody, if they are focused to see how to bring down the population of this planet, human population, so that other populations can live. Because we need to understand this, this planet will perish if all the insects die today within 4-6 years time, if all the worms die within 1,5-2 years all live on this planet will perish. If all the microbes die probably within hours this planet will perish. But if you and me disappear this planet will flourish..."

Interviewer: "So in this session we just attended here at the Economic Forum, I think there was a sense of relief in your frankness - you brought up some issues that others are reluctant to bring up."

"That's my trouble. Always. All the religious groups are against me because I am talking about population. They want more souls - I want less on the planet." - Sadhguru speaking at UNCCD COP14

"The peasant it is the man with tradition, with roots, with sacredness. Because relation to the earth makes a peasant a sacred person - and the proletarian is devoid of the sacredness. So all the communist vision of the desacralized bourgeois exploiting desacralized proletarian is wrong, is totally wrong and that is the satanic vision of communism and the same satanic vision of liberalism. But I think that the real exploitation begins when the real desacralization begins. So when you regard the other as the "thing", as some material body, when you deny the existence of the soul, that is exploitation. So I think modernity is exploitation in all its kinds and communism is no exception. Social society is based on exploitation because it is based on the denial of the sacred. And if you have the attitude, purely materialist attitude, toward human being - that is already his reification, objectification, alienation. This alienation is the beginning and the foundation of real exploitation. I think where "Da-Sein" of the people begins to be regarded as "the thing" and not as "Da-Sein", not existential presence, thinking existential presence, not as a soul, here exploitation begins. So in traditional order there was no exploitation because the soul was accepted and affirmed, the existence of the soul - in all the levels of the population, all the strata." - Aleksandr Dugin

Guest Appearance on The VONU Podcast #150 (Liberty Under Attack Publications)

Thanks to Rayo of VONU Podcast / Liberty Under Attack Publications for inviting me for a conversation right after himself appearing on #TEAMrabbithole 269.


On this exploration of spiritual self-liberation, I'm joined by Raffael, one of the hosts of the #TeamRabbitHole podcast. Herein, he fills us is on his journey/path, significant influences & breakthroughs, and we finish with a discussion on false timelines/historical resets...

And the importance of understanding our history, our ancestry, and rectifying the falsities of the past.

Check out Raffael's site for his blog, channeling information, #TeamRabbitHole, and much more:

[LIBERTY UNDER ATTACK PUBLICATIONS : Books, Discounted Bundles, Audiobooks, & Privacy Tools!]
The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA:
#PAZNIA #Vonu #SelfLiberate

The Healthy Reset

Hygeia, Goddess of Health (Gustav Klimt)

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.


It is nigh impossible to understand the current crisis of institutionalized medicine without being aware of the historical context. In the early 1900’s, self-styled philanthropists (“robber barons”) previously profiteering from the China opium trade wars managed to overcome the well-established primacy of “empiric” natural (homeopathic) healers in favor of allopathic medicine by providing virtually unlimited funding to all major universities and medical accreditation boards. This takeover (see Corbett Report, Mind Unveiled or Nancy Turner Banks) ultimately resulted in the modern medical establishment focused on prescribing drugs and performing invasive surgery over any kind of lifestyle changes or natural remedies to support one’s health. The dependence on expensive pharmaceutics (“drugs”) as well as highly specialized medical technology and training (costs which are often collectivized through social security payments) is not only highly profitable for the manufacturers but furthermore promotes a mechanistic, irresponsible and ultimately insufficient model of human biology as exemplified by the rise of so-called diseases of affluence brought about by modern “civilization”. Whilst ignorance and profit motive are certainly factors for many participating in this narrative, it should be noted that the underlying ideology is nothing short of a neo-darwinist eugenics perspective that was only recently relabeled as “bioethics” in the context of official institutions (Bioethics and the New Eugenics).

The willingness to engage in open debate and confront criticism may oftentimes indicate the strength of one’s argument. As an archetypal figurehead of current institutionalized medicine (2021), Anthony Fauci, then-head of NIH, already was unwilling to engage in transparent academic discussion with Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, Inventor of the PCR test.

Once historical understanding is established, it becomes easier to imagine the depth and scope of medical misinformation narratives being perpetrated upon modern civilization for several generations. There is hardly anyone alive today who has not been subjected to bioethics and germ theory propaganda.

Recently, Dr. Stefan Lanka commissioned a control experiment (English/German) for the theory of so-called viruses being the determining causative agent for cytopathic effects and disease. Although all of modern germ theory is based upon these assumptions, this control experiment had never been performed and certainly calls modern virology into question. Whereas Lanka assumes an academic and perceptual misunderstanding, others see the aforementioned bioethics agenda as part of the equation as to why these models had never been allowed to be publicly questioned before.

Bernard was right. The germ is nothing; the terrain is everything.

Louis Pasteur, Inventor of Modern Vaccination

Similar to today, those that still dared to question the “settled science” were quickly demonized as quacks and outcasts, the very same playbook that had already been used last century to demote naturopathic medicine – although even Louis Pasteur eventually could not withstand the arguments of Claude Bernard and Antoine Béchamps in favor of terrain theory and pleomorphism, a model within which pH (power of hydrogen), electrical charge, nutrition and toxins determine health as well as the prevalence of different particles and bacteria within the body. The modern “alternative” yet historically “traditional” perspectives survived through homeopathy, Chinese traditional medicine and Ayurveda. A holistic model that allows for self-responsible health choices and the understanding of the root cause of most dis-ease as manifested psychological conflict is represented by New Medicine and the 5 Biological Laws (German / English). It concludes sickness may well be a natural self-regulatory process of detoxification rather than a condition to be avoided or suppressed at all costs.

Is health a multi-factored equation over whose variables we are able to assume great responsibility through individual lifestlye choices of taking care of micro- and macro-biome or are there potentially deadly particles able to damage and colonize any organism? The importance of our individual and collective answer to this question can not be underestimated. The fundamental difference is whether self or others are primarily responsible for one’s own health and whether or not other individuals can present the danger of infection with potentially terminal illness through biological transmission. Dogmatic belief in germ theory lends itself to instill fear of fellow humans and facilitates susceptibility to control and psycho-social devastation through lock-downs, social isolation and censorship as even information not conforming to the mandated narrative is deemed dangerous. Dr. Robert O. Young summarizes how previously well-respected researchers including Nobel Laureates are shunned once they dare to question these dogmas pursuant to their honest interest in truth and open-ended scientific inquiry.

This conversation between Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kauffman and Dean Braus illustrates the broader psychological and philosophical questions associated with materialism and germ theory, outlining ideas to achieve a healthy reset of our understanding of human well-being now including the psycho-spiritual dimension. This is not done out of romanticism or idealism, but to actually arrive at a model that allows for a more comprehensive understanding of all factors contributing to health and our great power and responsibility in its maintenance and perfection. Furthermore, rather than remaining within the culturally constructed fantasy war propaganda of constant conflict and attempts at domination, eradication and infection within biology, it allows for a perspective of harmony, balance and natural self-regulation of humans within their environment and all organisms contained therein. Upon close inspection, synchronicity and symbiosis appear not only to be metaphysical principles but may well be represented within the biological processes of life itself.

For more detailed interviews on the questions surrounding virology: English: Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Stefano Scoglio | German: Dr. Stefan Lanka – Verabschiedet Euch Vom Virus! ( Teil 1 | Teil 2)

For a concise cinematic summary, see The Viral Delusion – The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology – March 23, 2022:

For a compilation on the virus question and overpopulation debate, see The Virus of Alienation:

Know thyself so you may take responsibility for your own well-being – for further ideas see my post on Perfect Health as well as the links to documentaries, podcasts and books below.

Notes and Links: Elizabeth Fowler mentioned in Corbett Report’s Rockefeller Medicine is now Director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as presented by the Commonwealth Fund initially funded by Anna M. Harkness, wife of the second-largest shareholder of Standard Oil.

